by John Michael Hinton | Sep 9, 2014 | Escapology, houdini, inspiration, magic, Mentalism, My Book, Performance, Spirituality, The Real Supernatural, Thoughts on life
Recently I watched The History Channel’s newest Houdini special staring Adrien Brody. I found it to be very well done and captivating! Houdini lead an interesting, adventurous life. Unfortunately though, as many of my fellow magicians have pointed out, there was a...
by John Michael Hinton | Mar 10, 2014 | Camps, Magic and Kids, My family, Performance, Speaking, Summer
It has just been confirmed that this summer that I will speaking and performing at Beulah Beach Camp located on Lake Erie in Ohio. Honestly, when this flip-flop wearing, In’N’Out eating, California driver’s license holding guy who is just returning...
by firehead58 | Jun 30, 2013 | International, Mentalism, Performance, The Real Supernatural
A lot of people have asked what this show is all about. Was it professional shot? Is it in HD? Is it easy to see the magic? Is it entertaining? Can I own it? The answer to all of these questions is YES! But here’s a video preview to help you out:...
by firehead58 | Mar 13, 2012 | Performance
Recently, I was able to see two different performances that really struck me, yet in very different ways. They have both inspired me to strive to always be a better performer: 1) Guy at the back of the Disneyland parade. There’s a guy who’s job is to dance on the back...